Providence, Patience & Preparedness! – January 26th
Genesis 27
This is a sad story of trying to force God’s promises to pass (see Gen 25:23 for the prophetic promise).
Rebekah cheated Isaac, got Isaac to lie and pretend and wound up Esau in the process so he hated his brother. A mess, for trying to force God’s hand.
Jacob got the promise, although no mention is made of the Abrahamic mercies – perhaps Isaac was blessing “Esau”, knowing Jacob would later get that blessing and by decpetion missed what could have been.
Esau then got a “common” blessing when the deception became clear and held a murderous grudge against his twin.
Rebekah thus tells Jacob to go and stay with her brother Laban for a while.
Esther 3
The need for God’s providential hand begins to become clear when Haman plots to have the Jews destoyed because Modecai won’t bow to him. Mordecai won’t bow to Haman – because that is idolatry. We obey God rather than man when man wants us to do something wrong.
Haman gets the king to issue a decree to kill the Jews – the edict is sent out and the city of Susa is left bemused.
Matthew 26
Events are leading towards Christ’s crucifixion. On the way to the Passover Jesus and the disciples stop at Bethany, where a woman pours very expensive perfume on Jesus as an act of worship actually to prepare him for burial.
Judas then agrees to betray Jesus – other gospels hint at his annoyance at the “waste” of money in teh perfume anointing.
Jesus and the disciples celebrate the Passwover feast, where Jesus introduces the Lord’ssupper as a lasting act of remembering his death for us.
Peter rashly promises not to Jesus, who answers by prophecying he will deny Jesus 3 times before the cock crows.
At Gethsemene Jesus prays – “my Father, may this cup be taken from me if it be your will.” – It wasn’t The Father’s will for Jesus’ to avoid the cup of suffering, so Jesus for the joy set before him endured the cross.
Jesus is arrested, betrayed with a kiss and taken before the Sanhedrin for a mockery of a trial. Meanwhile, Peter does disown Jesus 3 times (the 3rd time with some cursing) before the cock crows. When he realises his failure, he weeps bitterly.
Acts 26
“Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within us” – Paul does this brilliantly before King Agrippa with his testimony of coming to faith and life’s mission to the Gentiles. Do you have a prepared testimony? May be even a personal tract to use?
Watch this great Lex Loizides video to see how to write your own story simply!