Top Ten Sermons of 2012
Here is a breakdown of the top ten sermons by download for
2012. Some of the more recent ones make the list, so it is not just how
long they have had online!
10) The Big Picture – Abraham
Andy Moyle, July 1, 2012
Part of the The Big Picture series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
How Abraham fits into the big picture Old and New!
9) Elijah – A man just like us
Andy Moyle, October 14, 2012
Part of the The Big Picture series, preached at a Midweek Meeting service
8) Confessions of a Xenophiliac
Andy Moyle, March 18, 2012
Part of the Church Culture series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
The vital place of real hositality in the local church
7) Joseph and us
Andy Richards, February 19, 2012
Part of the The Gateway Church series, preached at a Midweek Meeting service
6) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
Andy Moyle, February 12, 2012
Part of the The Gateway Church series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
5) Eternal Secure, More than a Conqueror and loved by God – fuel for mission!
4) Church Culture – Handling conflict well
Andy Moyle, May 13, 2012
Part of the Church Culture series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
3) The Spirit helps us pray
Andy Moyle, January 23, 2012
Part of the Romans series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
2) Romans 8 Our position, mindset and lifestyle
Andy Moyle, January 8, 2012
Part of the Romans series, preached at a Sunday Morning service
1) Making sure your Gospel isn’t too small
Andy Moyle, January 15, 2012
Part of the Romans series, preached at a Midweek Meeting service