All alike – January 31st
Genesis 32
God had told Jacob to go back to his homeland, but he was very nervous, so sent on gifts and messengers to Esau.
His prayer follows that great Biblical pattern for prayer
- Sovereign God v9
- Reminding God of what he has said v10-12
- A clear request v11
Jacob then wrestles with God – sometimes we have to wrestle with God in prayer or waiting on fulfilment of what He has said. He ends up walking with a limp.
God changes Jacob’s name to “Israel” – which means “struggles with God” – the nation will certainly do that!
Esther 8
Everything works out for the Jews, Haman is executed, Mordecai is exalted and the Jews are saved again.
Verse 17 shows evangelistic fruit from the whole story.
Mark 3
Jesus knows people’s hearts – he knew the Jews were looking to accuse Him.
He does more healings and the demons announce who he is.
Jesus then chooses the 12 apostles and gives them authority to do the stuff.
What is the unforgivable sin? It’s being in a state of being so hardened to God that one calls God the devil – not a state of repentance, so therefore not forgivable! If you are worried you have committed that, you haven’t – because you are feeling convicted and can repent of sin!
Romans 3
Paul has pointed the finger at athiests, those who have been given over to their sinful desires and Jews who boast about having the law but not keeping it.
He answers his rhetorical question of whether being a Jew has any advantage? Yes, becuase of the word of God. But at the end of the day, both Jews and Gentiles are sinners who need to repent.
Verse 23-24 are theologically loaded
- All – Jews and Gentiles
- Justified – declared not guilty
- Grace – a free gift
- redemption – set free from our old status
- Sacrifice of atonement -it’s all won for us by Jesus sacricifial death on the cross.