Heading for the Cross – Feb 23rd
Exodus 6
The Lord speaks to Moses – Israel are going to see God’s mighty hand in delivering them, so they will know it is the Lord God Almighty who has saved them.
God hears our groaning v5 – those times when words can’t express what we want to say in prayer.
Sometimes we can’t hear God through others when we are discouraged v9 – nevertheless God is at work!
Luke 9
Jesus gives the apostles power and authority to drive out demons, heal the sick and preach the Kingdom of God. They did so!
Next they moved onto Bethsaida where Jesus healed all who needed healing!
Peter understands by revelation that Jesus is the Christ – Luke doesn’t record Peter sticking his foot in it immediately after!
Luke tells us that at the transfiguration – Moses and Elijah talked with Jesus about “his departure” – the cross is the relentless end (v51) of the journey, that is the beginning of life!
The Samaritans didn’t welcome Jesus because he was heading for Jerusalem – Gerazim was their favoured holy place.
Job 18
Bildad weighs in with sin leads to the type of suffering Job is experiencing.
1 Cor 5
Some of the bad things that happened to the Old Covenant people of God serve as a warning to us. All they had many good things of God, they mostly blew it
Sexual immorality, idolatry, pagan revelry
Paul warns time sis short so make the most of it,