More than Conquerors – Feb 5th

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Genesis 38

Having introduced Joseph and sold him off, we get this sordid story of Judah as an interruption. It starkly contrasts with Joseph’s life. Strangely it’s through Judah’s line the Messiah will come, which is the main reason for following him through – as we see with Matthew 1 hindsight!

He’s a total hypocrite having sex with a prostitute is okay, but if his daughter-in-law gets pregnant it is not. Obviously he is found out!

What do we learn?
You cannot escape responsibility for sin and mistakes.
God is sovereign – nothing will thwart His purposes
Grace of God and humility of Christ – only 5 women are mention in Matthew’s genealogy – Tamar posed as a harlot, Rahab was a harlot, Ruth a Moabitess, Bathsehba an adulteress and Mary regarded as immoral who didn’t believe the story. God will use who he wants – that’s not an excuse to sin though!

Mark 8

Shows us a series of miracle done for Gentiles and Jews – Jesus was pretty subversive to the Jewish leader who consider Gentiles as dogs.

Job 4

Eliphaz talks to Job – he believes we reap what we sow (generally true), so he must have sinned v8

Romans 8

This is the summit of Romans! We are not wretched men under the law – there is no condemnation. We are free from the law of sin and death! Our sinful natures ensured the law was powerless, so when Christ died for us and we accepted it, we died. We are free!
We have life and peace, because we are controlled by the Spirit

We have the Spirit of sonship and God is Abba – our father, using an Aramaic term that works for all ages. Daddy the near English equivalent doesn’t, Dad does as a translation!

We suffer and grown, but the Spirit helps us pray.

we are more than conquerors – these things are all descriptions not aspirations! Meditate on them!



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin