Spiritual fathers required – Feb 17th
Genesis 50
Mourn well – when someone dies. Don’t bottle it in – weep and mourn and then live well.
Joseph fulfilled his Father’s wish to be buried in Canaan.
The brothers are worried that Joseph was only good to them while Jacob was alive – but Joseph knows God has been working providentially “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”
Job 16-17
Will your long-winded speeches never end? Sometimes it is better to keep quiet and just be there when friends are suffering!
Is v19-21 a hint of Jesus interceding for us at the right hand of the Father now?
Luke 3
John the Baptist starts his ministry – getting people to repent of their sins and be baptised. He is fulfilling prophecy, but it is frustrating. He is dealing with their past but there is no power for the future – “produce fruit in keeping with repentance”. How the people ask.
Ultimately they need Jesus – v16 who will baptise (baptizo – drench them so they change) with the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God, the power of God who is holy). The baptism in the Spirit will give power for holiness.
1 Cor 4
Be faithful with what God has given you to do! It might be a lot or a little, be faithful with the entrustment.
Watch your motives, God will bring them to light! v5
There are a lot of leaders around, but God wants fathers raised up. v15-17. In a generation of absent fathers, society is a mess, society needs godly men to stand up as spiritual fathers in the Church and raise up lots of Timothys.
Men be faithful and pass on the good you have.