Where is your treasure? Feb 26th

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Octopus on www.sxc.hu

Day 57 of blogging through the Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

Exodus 9

The plagues continue, with Israel saved and Egypt suffering due to the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart. v1-2 He is given an opportunity to repent again, but his heart is hard.
Verse 20 – we can see some of Pharoah’s staff fear God, but in general their hearts are hard and their “repentance” in v27 is not real – v35

Luke 12

Verses 1-12 – Jesus is looking for inward renewal – looking after our souls is more important than our bodies!
People struggle with the unforgivable sin – But God cannot lie or deny himself or contradict himself. God will nor forgive those that don’t want to be forgiven – who will nor follow the Spirit when he points to the Saviour. If you are determined to go to hell, you will go there! But if you receive the offer of Jesus’ forgiveness then you won’t be refused!

Verses 13-21 tackle the issue of greed and storing up treasures on earth.

Verses 22-34 extend that to stop worrying, it won’t add anything to your life. Seek God’s kingdom first and the rest will be given to you.

Where are our treasure is, is an indication of where are our hearts are. Have you looked at your finances recently? They are a great or bad indicator of what you are passionate about.

Job 27

Job continues his speech that carries on until ch31.
Job’s conscience is clear – although consciences aren’t always reliable! We are called to integrity and righteousness in Christ. Firstly given to us and maintained as the Spirit works in us as we abide in Him.
Job has worked through a process
Numbed shock and silence
Longing and questioning
Anger against God
Refusal to accept things as they are
Despair at God’s sovereignty
Anxiety & paranoia
Questioning the way God rules the world in the face of so much suffering
Now he is beginning to look forward to his communion with the Lord being restored.
There has been a spiral rather than onward progress, but he is getting there!

He hasn’t hidden his feelings behind a mask. He has been very honest. Things aren’t always clear. At times God seems distant



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin