Praying for friends better – March 27th
My notes for today’s readings on the Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan
Exodus 38
Making the Tabernacle was a huge job! Nearly a tonne of gold was used (plundered from the Egyptians) donated by the 603,550 families in Israel. Bezalel and Oholiab are the Spirit filled craftsmen. With more silver an bronze. They were lavish in their worship. Note the bronze came from women’s mirrors!
Proverbs 14
Foolish people talk too much!
Backsliders will reap the fruit of their ways.
“Whoever despises his neigbour is a sinner” – verse 21 – Jesus commands us to love our neighbours. How well do you know your neighbours? Names? likes and dislikes? hopes and dreams? Where they are on their spiritual journey?
Philippians 1
Simple church structure in v1 – saints, deacons and elders.
Paul thanks God for the Philippians whenever he remembers them – full of joy, partnership in the Gospel.
What God begins he carries on to completion – that gives such eternal security.
He prays a great prayer for them
- Their love would abound more and more
- Knowledge would grow
- Discernment would grow.
- So they can work out what is excellent and be pure an blameless when Christ returns.
- Filled with the fruit of righteousness.
That is a much better prayer list for friends then God please bless so and so.
Being imprisoned has served to extend to Gospel for Paul. The guards chained to him have been a “captive” audience and clearly some have been saved. People are getting more confident as they see Paul’s model.
To live is Christ to die is gain. If Paul carries on it will be in Christ, if he dies he will be with Christ forever more – a win-win situation!
Out of that he challenges us to live lives worthy of the great calling we have as Christians.
John 17
We get to see Jesus’ heart as He prays over many of the themes developed in this Gospel of John.
He prays for glory – “It will bring no glory to the Father is Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is not acceptable, or if the Son is not restored to his rightful place in the presence of the Father’s unshielded glory. That would mean the divine mission had failed, the purposes of grace forever defeated.” (Carson)
The utter shame and humiliation of the cross is where Jesus is glorified.
Then he prays for his disciples
Keep them – v11f together, in joy, from the evil one
Sanctify them – v17f
Then widens it to all believers for unity and glory in the church
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