Spirit Empowered Work – March 20th
Exodus 31
God filled Bezalel with the Spirit to empower his craftsmanship – God fills us to work creatively and to bring Him glory! In your daily life – seek the empowering of the Spirit for you daily work to glorify God and then work hard Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men (Colossians 3:23). Although Bezalel’s Spirit empowered work was building the tabernacle, it would awful to suggest that the Spirit’s empowering today is limited to church gatherings. Use your spiritual gifts in your daily life! For every time Jesus operated in the gifts in a place of worship , he did so outsideof that context 5/6 times (David Oliver in Find Your Voice p147)
The Sabbath command was strategically placed at the end of the Tabernacle instructions – we even need to rest when do God’s work empowered by Him.
We are not bound by Sabbath under the new covenant – Romans 14:5; Colossians 2:16-17, but the principle of rest is important. Resting once a week means we are not living for making money and that we are taking time out for refreshment, family and worship. Our rest in the finished work of Jesus is never to be eclipsed by our work for God. When workers for God are burnt-out, they have almost always allowed their work for God to be bigger in their minds than His work for them.
John 10
The Pharisees are thieves and robbers because they wouldn’t let the blind man “in” the kingdom of God (but Jesus did!)
Apparently sheep are attuned to their shepherd’s voice – the story goes during World War I, some Turkish soldiers tried to steal a flock of sheep from a hillside near Jerusalem. The shepherd, who had been sleeping, awoke to find his flock being driven off. He couldn't recapture them by force, so he called out to his flock with his distinctive call. The sheep listened, and returned to their rightful owner. The soldiers couldn't stop the sheep from returning to their shepherd's voice.
Some accuse Jesus of being mad, but
i. The words of Jesus were not the words of a madman; instead, they are totally sane.
ii. The deeds of Jesus aren’t the deeds of a meglomaniac; instead, they were completely unselfish.
iii. The effect of Jesus isn’t the effect of a madman; instead, He is still changing millions for the good.
Proverbs 7
Adultery is a big deal and a big temptation – Proverbs 7 is yet another chapter in Proverbs tackling the issue.
Galatians 6
Paul has taught the Galatians on grace, now he finsihed up with some ethical instruction coming out of the good of living in grace!
Restore the believer caught sinning
Be careful you don’t succumb too.
Bear one another’s burdens
Be humble
Don’t get weary doing good – rest and keep going!