Soldier, Athlete, Farmer – April 19th

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Blogging daily bible reading with Murray McCheyne’s Bible Reading Plan.

2 Tim 2

Grace strengthens us – the law only condemns us and has no power – but grace, grace strengthens us. What you know about grace, pass it on v2.

Paul urges Timothy to be like a

  • Soldier – not distracted by civilian affairs
  • Athlete – competing well according to the rules – avoid sin
  • Farmer – hard working and enjoying the fruits of hard work

In the picture Oxlike – 1 Tim 5:17-18 – that section is about teaching and preaching well with strength and passion that will pull people behind Biblical truth and keep them from heretics and nutters.

Quarrelling about words only ruins us.
Rightly handle the Bible – avoiding babble that leads to ungodliness. One example is those who say the resurrection has already happened eg Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace.

Ecclesiates 6

Solomon’s look into life and death have found it to be vain and hollow and lonely – the pursuit of wealth, possessions and pleasure have left him hollow and lonely. Under the sun and outside of Christ mankind can be in a state (born out by the live updates of terrorist shoot-outs currently happen in Boston suburbs playing in the background.)

Psalm 30

Joy comes with the morning v5 – every day is new and fresh chance to enjoy God’s blessing and favour v5.

Leviticus 23

In this chapter 7 feast and the Sabbath are outlined.
1) Sabbath – every week a day of rest – points to the rest we get from works when Christ died and rose again
2) Passover = celebrating the deliverance from Egypt, when the people where saved by the blood of the lamb – points to our rescue by the blood of Jesus!
3) Unleavened Bread – avoiding yeast in bread, a type for sin.
4) Firstfruits – bringing the first fruits to God, to anticipate a greater harvest to come.
5) Pentecost – a later harvest festival. The Spirit came and birthed the church at this festival in Acts 2
6) Trumpets – getting together to acknowledge God, points towards the final day when the trumpet sounds, Christ comes back and the church is raised!
7) Atonement – once a year sacrifice for sin – Jesus fulfilled this and stopped its need to happen again
8) Tabernacles – building booths to remember the wilderness years, also had a prophetic enactment of Exek 47 river flowing from the Temple, fulfilled by Jesus promise in John 7 and us being filled with the Spirit and bubbling out life and healing to those around us!

I’ve loved reading “Find Your Voice – developing the prophetic in you and your Church” by David Oliver of the Salt and Light apostolic stream. I’d give it 5 stars – well worth a read if you want to grow prophetic gifting.

In the book David argues everyone can prophecy and shows us how God speaks, how to grow the gift, how to weigh and be weighed and how to develop in the gifting to serve and build up the body of Christ. There are some excellent sections on dreams, developing the gift and handling wacky contributions on a Sunday!



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin