Sweet Dreams – April 18th
Leviticus 22
The old covenant is full of shadows and types of the better new covenant of grace (Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 8:4-5; 10:1), so a knowing a priest couldn’t minister while unclean is important. We are now all priests and made clean by Jesus dying for us. Live in the good of it and be priestlike – tellings others about Jesus!
v7 And when the sun goes down he shall be clean – stop beating yourself up over past mistakes and sin. Confess it, turn from it (that’s repentance that is) and walk in the Spirit today for what God wants you to be and do today.
The priests couldn’t offer animals with defects or blemishes
1) This practice was abused in the temple courts in Jesus day – Priest “Oh dear, your animal is not acceptable, buy one of ours.” So Jesus cleared the Temple – Matthew 21:12-13
2) This also points to Jesus who was perfect and blameless and thus suitable to die on our behalf for all our sins once!
Psalm 28
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”
Psalm 29
Ascribe to God glory because at his word, when he speaks all things happen -God is in control, he is large and in charge!
Ecclesiastes 5
Those who talk to much are often fools!
Dreams come with much busyness – There are different types of dreams we have.
Some are warnings e.g. Gen 20:3
Some come for protection e.g. Gen 20:6 (same dream as the warning one)
Some show us destiny Gen 28:12
Some give insight and direction
Some are evangelistic
Some are reflections of what is going on – too busy like here in Ecclesiastes
Some are just processing the day – cleaning out the muck!
The ones from God are worth remembering write them down, ponder them and ask God for the interpretation!
Money – if you love it, it will never satisfy, you will always want more and you will lose sleep over it! Normal life, work, eat, drink, sleep and having joy is a good thing!
2 Tim 1
v1 Jesus has promised us life!
Paul is all about relational mission – Timothy has become his spiritual son and Paul longs to see him again.
“Fan into flame the gift of God” – we are responsible to fan into flame imparted gifts from God from when people laid hands on us.
Don’t give into fear – but know God has given us a spirit of power, love and self control.
Timothy was encourage to follow Pauls’ ways of doing ministry v13
Guard the good deposit of the Spirit – stay close to God, be ondeient, fan into flame what He is doing in you.