Watch out for little foxes- April 27th
Hebrews 2
Hebrews contains some of the strongest warnings of not falling away and some of the strongest assurances of our eternal security – Paradoxes!
v1 is a warning – pay more careful attention, so you don’t drift away. The author doesn’t give an explanation of what will happen, just the warning. When we are careless, we drift. Don’t drift along in life – pay attention, be passionate.
The Gospel is proved with signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of the Spirit v4.
Jesus’ death and resurrection brings many sons to glory v9-10
He frees us from the fear of death v15 – you do not need to be afraid of death.
Numbers 4
Israel has a people on the move – they weren’t static, they were mobile and on a mission. Numb 4 gives instructions for packing up the tabernacle. The tabernacle furnishings were holy, so needed to be covered by the priests before the roadie clans came to move them.
Everyone had a different job to do all though they were all equal in God’s sight – God has given out different gifts for us to – we all have the same spiritual DNA but different gifts and assignments in the Kingdom. Go for it – you are needed!
Psalm 38
Is a Psalm of crying out to God when ill and in pain.
Song 2
Little foxes can ruin a vineyard.
Glickman lists several “little foxes” that may trouble couples:
· Uncontrolled desire that drives a wedge of guilt and mistrust between the couple.
· Mistrust and jealousy that strains or breaks the bond of love.
· Selfishness and pride that refuses to acknowledge wrong and fault to one another.
· An unforgiving attitude that will not accept an apology.
Watch out for the little foxes