Singing in the Rain! Isaiah 11 & 12
Isaiah 11
“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse” – from one stump as little shoot grows that becomes a branch that bears fruit – Isaiah is writing about Jesus, born in obscurity over 2000 years ago now with no status but lineage in a failed ancient dynasty
Verse 2 Jesus is filled with the Spirit! Wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord. He is not a wet bearded wild eyed teacher. He has all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. his insight is penetrating. John saw him as having eyes like a flame of fire. Leaders may get fooled, but not Jesus. His rule will correct wrongs and not step on the little people.
v5 Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist – he is faithful and ever true.
v6-9 speaks of a transformed and renewed world. All the scars of the old sin wrecked world will be gone. We won’t be playing harps in the sky on clouds for ever or at all! Jesus will purify, restore and gladden the earth. His kingdom is the only answer to poverty, hunger, injustice and disease. His grace will make everything better – football, music, business, playing with the kids – all will be renewed and better.
When Jesus comes there will be complete joy! Whatever happens before then…
v12 All believers will be brought back together again.
v13 denominational jealousies will be gone.
v14,15 victory over evil
v16 the happiest homecoming ever!
The cross and resurrection has guaranteed it will happen.
How do we respond?
Isaiah 12
Ch12 climaxes Isaiah’s vision of God’s grace, ch 13 will take a new tack. Before that we see Isaiah showing us at our best, enjoying the Kingdom of God.
I love this chapter – as a teenager I was in a band called “The plague of Locusts” (while I was in and playing bass, that’s what it sounded like!) – the lead singer, Justin, wrote a great song based on this chapter, which I wish I still had a recording of!
When Paul paints grace in Romans 1-8, he asks What then shall we say to these things? How do we respond?
Isaiah is painting a picture of revival in the church in the latter days. It’s not details but an impression of what it means to live in a spirit of praise.
v1 gives a first hand experience of what it means to be saved! God’s wrath has gone
v2 He is our salvation!
He is our song – Ray Ortlund “Remember the old musicals like Singing in the Rain? Gene Kelly is walking down the street, happily sloshing in the rain and puddles, wonderfully in live and he just starts singing. It’s crazy. To enjoy that scene, we have to suspend belief just long enough to play along with the movie. We have to let the spell come over us and identify ourselves with a grown man out in the rain, soaking wet and not caring at all and singing his head off. Why do people make films like that? Why do we watch the,? The reason is that it isn’t really crazy. God has put into our heart that very capacity, the freedom to break out into song as the wonder of his saving love fills our hearts. That holy delight is what we were created for. We sense that it is so. And in the kingdom we will glorify and enjoy God with unrestrained song”
Jesus is amazing – gospel confidence is incredible! Even the frightening experiences of life leads us more deeply into grace. We can stop having a victim mentality and start singing now.
v3 draw water form the wells of salvation. God is satisfying! The Spirit is a well of water from Jesus (John 4, 7) drink deeply, dunk your face in Him! Salvation is not meant to be a stagnant experience. Enjoy God, Enjoy His Spirit!
v4 Out of that deep drinking, we are on a mission
Call upon Him – pray!
Make known his deeds
v5-6 He will do glorious things! So Sing, Shout, Sing for Joy! Stop being reserved and British. Enjoy God – let His joy affect the bottom line of your face and then bubble over with life giving healing power out there!