Britains Got Talent Assembly

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I’m doing a primary school assembly on Britains Got Talent today! Hoping to apply the parable of the talents to Reception to Year 6.

Britains Got Talent – hands up if you are watching it this year?BGT

Kids have taken over – 5 out of the 10 acts are kids – wonderful


My Fave is Jack Carroll, he is so funny – comparing Simon Cowell to the North Korean dictator was genius
He has Cerebral Palsy – which use to be called spastic – I’ve heard kids make fun of spastics with horrible words and actions. Jack Carroll has not let that stop him using his talent

Jesus told a story about talents – we’ve all got talents, God given abilities to do something.

In the story one man was given 10, one was given 5 and one was 1. Let’s think of that as how big the talent it – Jack Carroll has got a 10 size talent. Me – maybe a 1 size with this baby – my Djembe

Let me show you my tiny talent today – I think the judges may have pressed their buzzers quickly. But I am learning and getting better and I’m  using my talent at church!

Let’s see if one of you has a talent for rhythm and percussion – Mr Overton can you pick out someone who has some talent…

“Walk the donkey” rhythm

Well done

Back to the story!

The 10 talent guy took it, used it and managed to double it. The 5 talent guy did the same and also doubled it. But the 1 talent guy hid it and did nothing to make it grow. In the story Jesus said Well done to the 10 talent guy and the 5 talent guy.

The point is this – we all have talents – some better than others. – Maybe it is music, art, sport, caring for others, maths, writing, or even comedy.

God has given everyone of you a talent – he wants you to make it grow
Overcome the difficulties
Saving up for lessons, instrument or new footie boots
Practicing in the cold and wet
Missing times with friends when you have to practice
Nervousness and fear before a match or performance
Keeping going when it goes wrong

Keep going when people make fun of you or put you down – Just like Jack Carroll or Einstein who was told he was stupid, or the world famous basketball player Michael Jordan who was dropped from the school team or Walt Disney who was fired from a newspaper because he lacked creativity and had no original ideas. Or the Beatles who were rejected by a record company because no one wants guitar bands anymore! All of them kept going and grew their talents!

Pray – Thank you God for giving us all talents – help us to keep practicing and making them better for your glory. Amen

Assembly Powerpoint



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin