Matthew 23 – New Testament in a Year
I’m in Thailand, speaking at a conference, so these posts are short!
Matthew 23
Jesus tells us how not be a good leader
- Don’t practice what you preach – because people are watching as much, if not more than listening!
- Do everything for people to watch and applaud
- Be obsessed with your title – Rabbi, Father, Teacher are all ones to go for
- Exalt yourself above others
- Make your converts worse than you
- Swear oaths about things. Dont’ let your yes be a yes and a no be no. That’s too simple.
- Make sure you tithe everything including flowers and spices, but ignore the poor and justice.
- Make a great show of outward things and neglect the inner life
- Make tombs and decorate the graves of old dead guys rather than do the good things they did.
- Beat up prophets, wise men and teachers, perhaps even crucify the,