Mark 5 New Testament in a Year

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974527_19668402The issue of demonisation can be a thorny one. Hollywood movies don’t particularly help either.
In Mark 5 Jesus casts out a Legion of demons from a man in a Gentile area into a herd of two thousand pigs who drown themselves! It’s pretty plain – the man was oppressed badly by evil spirits and was set free by Jesus.

The devil is really evil. The poor man
Lived in the tombs
Couldn’t be restrained even by chains
No-one was strong enough to subdue him
He self-harmed,cutting himself

Jesus is really powerful
They had to ask permission to still be allowed to do mischief – albeit in a herd of pigs, which lasted seconds.
“Come out, you unclean spirit” v8 and they had to obey!

Jesus is really radical
It was a Gentile area and pigs are unclean – but Jesus was there doing ministry.

Often we get to live, serve and be in places where we don’t want to be or others think we shouldn’t be. God is powerful, greater than he that is the world. And the Spirit is in us, using us for His glory.

Let’s see the Kingdom come in the unclean places, people saved, set free and healed for the glory of God!



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin