Mark 8 – New Testament in ayear
Feeding of the four thousand
This isn’t an editorial mistake, Jesus feeds a big, big crowd for the second time!
Jesus is filled with compassion. Most were following just out of idle curiosity, but Jesus loves the faithless and the graceless. He doesn’t just feed them, He will die for them too.
With Jesus, nothing is impossible. In the middle of nowhere where there is nothing, where can one get bread for 4,000? Jesus loves to create out of nothing and do wonders with what little we have. So he broke 7 loaves and fed the crowd.
Jesus is abundant. There was enough left over for 7 baskets full. There’s no need for a poverty spirit – God provides.
The blind man healed
Jesus could have healed him with one word, but doesn’t. Jesus led him out of the village, spat on his eyes, put his hands on him and then and not before restores his sight fully.
i)There’s no magic formula.
ii) This gradual healing, step by step is a picture of what goes on spiritually
We start out blind to the state of our souls.
Conversion is an illumination from darkness to light, but we rarey see the Kingdom of God well to begin with. It takes time to see clearly!
Good things happen on the journey
Jesus and the disciples enjoyed the journey and profound things happened as they walked or sailed. Here there’s a discussion on who people think Jesus is. Peter gets it – you are the Christ. But then a few words later gets the sharpest rebuke that’s recorded in his earthly ministry. The Christian life and our understanding of it will have ups and downs!