Latvia Trip

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I love the way Jesus travelled with his disciples from one ministry opportunity to the next, enjoying the journey eating and drinking! That kind of approach encapsulates what “Relational Mission” is too. Brothers and sisters enjoying the journey and doing the stuff!

A team of nine of us (including me, Kees and Rebecca) travelled to Smiltene, in Latvia to serve David & Ilze’s Father’s House for a weekend of teaching and ministry on being naturally supernatural. I’ve been on many trips as part of a team or going in a pair or singly, but this time for me, leading a large team, there was something refreshing, powerful and synergistic.

On the way we stopped off at Europe’s largest log cabin in Riga, which just happens to be an amazing buffet restaurant. So we fuelled up with all kinds of grilled meats, Eastern European salads and even Pike!

The first evening saw Kees, speaking excellently on our identity in Christ, laying a foundation for the weekend. We need to know who we are in Him before we can confidently serve Him. The team jumped into ministering to the 30 or so Latvian’s gathered for the first evening.

Tony Greene grabbed me just before I was about to speak on Saturday morning with a prophetic sense of where the people were at. So I ditched my introduction and weaved that into my talk based on his prophetic read. That insight also set him up to lead some powerful prophetic ministry with the men later in the day.

What story am I telling?
What story am I telling?

I spoke on 7 signs of bringing the Kingdom through our daily lives in the morning and then on “seeing with new eyes” (from Peter & John’s healing of the cripple in Acts 3 – check out all meanings of the different verbs around seeing and looking in that passage!).

During the afternoon the team led a prophetic workshop getting everyone in the room hearing from God and encouraging and edifying one another. There was an amazing moment when Rebecca Clayton got our interpreter to translate a prophecy without the team hearing it in English and then Tony Greene prophesied the same thing in English. God is God!

Others in the team – Richard & Jane from Lowestoft, Neal  from Newmarket, Jeff & Jayne from Bishop Stortford got stuck in with prophesying and ministering freedom in the Spirit and healing at least two dear brothers and sisters – with arthritic hand pain going and an elbow injury healed over the weekend.

Saturday evening saw a well earned feast, followed by a sauna. After a good nights sleep and herrings and rye bread for the breakfast (new one for me!), the Sunday morning meeting began. Years ago Angela Kemm grabbed me out of a crowd to sing in tongues over someone to see them healed. I’ve been doing it ever since, not really thinking about it. Some of the Latvians loved it, finding freedom during a ministry team (maybe I was singing in Latvian, more likely Double Dutch!) and so we taught into the power of speaking and singing in tongues to bring even more much needed freedom.

On the way home, the obligatory log cabin restaurant stop saw us feasting again, happily reminiscing on the goodness of God. I have to say I prefer that to the raw corn cobs the disciples enjoyed on one of their journeys!

Andy Moyle King’s Lynn



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin