Mustard seeds and massive impact
Since I heard Nicky Gumbel’s comment on the parable of the sower that minimum fruit is 30x, I’ve been stirred to pay that we all get to bear that minimum fruit! That would be revival.
In yesterday’s reading in Mark 5 a man with a lot of demons gets sets free. He asks Jesus if he could stay with them as they travelled. You’d think he would need some intensive counselling, discipleship and training before going on mission. But Jesus says no, go and tell people what the Lord has done. They were in the Decapolis, a Gentile area.
A couple of chapters later Jesus is back in Decapolis – and feeds a crowd of 4,000! It may be his testimony had a massive impact!
Last Sunday I challenged us to:
- Have a list of 3 people of peace we are praying for.
- Practice being able to tell your story – with 6 words – 2 to describe your life before Christ, 2 that describe meeting Jesus and 2 that describe now.
- Learn how to tell God’s story with say the 3-circles
A mustard seed is very small, but grows to a large tree that birds can nest in. What impact will you have?