Lectio 365
We can always pray and read God’s word more, right? I do love listening to different Gateway people reading the Bible and praying each day on our app (also on the website).
And I’ve also just started using Lectio 365 from the 24-7 prayer crew. There’s a morning and evening devotional that you can read or listen too. I particularly like the evening one – a great way to end the day with some charismatic examen!
Here’s what they have to say about it…
MORNING PRAYERS – P.R.A.Y. every day – P:ause to be still. R:ejoice with a Psalm and R:eflect on Scripture. A:sk for God's help, and Y:ield to His will in your life.
NIGHT PRAYERS – Reflect, rejoice, repent and rest each evening to process the day and prepare to sleep.
TEXT & AUDIO – Read or listen to every devotional.
JOURNEY THROUGH THE YEAR with Pete Greig, Carla Harding, Phil Togwell, Jill Weber, Izwe Nkosi, Hannah Heather and other international guests.
TRY SOMETHING ANCIENT – Lectio 365 is inspired by Lectio Divina, a way of meditating on the Bible that's been used by Christians for centuries.
SHAPE YOUR FAITH – Explore how to love God through prayer and creativity, love others through justice and hospitality, and love the world through mission and learning. (Matt. 22:34-40 & Matt. 28:18-20)
SPECIAL SEASONS – Be inspired to pray through Advent, Lent and current events with hosts from around the world.
DOWNLOAD DEVOTIONALS up to a week in advance and read or listen to them later.