iCaf and English Lessons
The Gateway iCaf started up again this morning after a summer break. Today it was Ukrainians that came for coffee, cake and chat and a fun English lesson. I taught on reflexive pronouns today – myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves and themselves. The kids helped make paper airplanes “themselves” too!
The iCaf is our weekly gatherings on Tuesday (10-11:30 am and 1-2:30pm) which offer a safe and welcoming place for refugees and others to meet up, make friends and learn conversational English.

Some of our Ukrainians come every Sunday to our church services – we are setting up translation equipment for Ivor to interpret our services. We are also running an Alpha course on Sunday evenings for Ukrainians too!
We have a fantastic team of Kay, Jean and Doreen helping Andy – if you’d like to get involved get in touch!
English Lessons
This September Sarah Jacob and Iryna Yurieva are taking over the reigns of our Saturday morning English lessons from Carol and Simeon. They did an incredible job last year, so Sarah and Iryna are looking to build on that!
The Saturday lessons are more classroom style and we have students from Turkey, Bangladesh, Ukraine and other nations joining us every Saturday during term time.
We have a beginners class at 9am, Elementary class at 11am and an Advanced class at 1pm. The classes are free as they have been funded with a grant from a local charity.