We have authority to bring the kingdom of God – to proclaim it, to heal and to cast out demons.
Jesus had already demonstrated how to do it by healing many, now he defines what to do in v5-15 and then off they go delegated.
The 12 disciples were to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel – Jews by name and race, but without belief. They had some simple words – “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” and a simple task heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons.
Jesus wants them to find a household where the peace rests – in Luke they are told to look for men of peace. People who are open to your friendship and to your message. He tells them that if people reject them, actually they are rejecting Jesus. Just shake the dust off your feet and find someone and somewhere else.
Of course as we live life like that, head above the parapet, persecution will come and when it does, rely on the Spirit to give you the words to say. Really we have nothing to fear – men can only hurt our bodies. The Father knows how many hairs are on our head – he knows everything about us and loves us still and will take us safely home.
So the challenge today is to live boldly and step out with your faith to heal those around you in need, sickness or oppression.
Andy Moyle