We all get to play!

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3rd Aug, 2019 Day 215

Rom 16:1-27

Don’t write yourself off from being involved in God’s mission and our vision to be a multicultural family, passionately pursuing God, drawing people in, sending people out, resulting in Church Planting in the region and the re-evangelisation of Northern Europe.

Yesterday’s reading showed us three ways anyone can be involved

  1. By giving, 15:26-28
  2. By praying, 15:30-32
  3. By opening your home, 16:23

You may write yourself off because you are a female. Don’t! A quarter of the list today are ladies, including Phoebe the deacon and Priscilla, who keeps popping up in church plants with her hubby Aquila and explained the gospel to the great preacher Apollos. Junia was so good at her ministry with Andronicus that they are considered outstanding among the apostles!

You may write yourself off because of your place in society. Don’t! Erastus was a civil servant, v.23. Urbanas and Hermes are most likely slaves. There are 8 Jews and 30 Gentiles in the list. Rufus’ mother is a mother hen in the family. Men and women of every age and status in society. All precious in God’s sight, chosen, called and gifted to serve God.

The recent World Cup matches featured 22 players badly in need of a rest, watched by millions badly in need of some exercise! Don’t let The Gateway become like that! Get involved – give, pray, open your home and serve with your gifting to the measure of faith God has given you and watch it grow as we grow with disciples.

Andy Moyle



Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin