The ark
This passage is covered briefly in 2 Samuel v 16 – 20, and as often is the case in Chronicles, the same events are covered in more detail here. David brings the Ark to Jerusalem into the tent he has pitched for it v 1. This is not the tabernacle which is still at Gibeon v 39, which Solomon brings to the Temple at its dedication.
The main direction of this passage is David initiating a permanent, daily ministry of worship before the Ark v 6 – 37. Worship is comprehensively described in v 4 as to invoke, to thank, and to praise the Lord. Our prayers and our songs are our expression of worship as described in the Psalms. David’s psalm of praise in v 8 – 36 is a composite of Psalm 105 v 1 – 15, Psalm 96 v 1 – 13 and Psalm 106 v 1 & v 47 – 48 and contains words we might recognise in some of our own worship songs.
The structure of this psalm gives us some guidance for our own worship:
1. Give thanks to the Lord
2. Sing praises to him, tell (speak) of all his wondrous works
3. Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continuously
4. Remember, his Word and promises
5. Tell of his Salvation
6. Bring an offering and come before him
7. Worship the Lord in holiness
8. Bless the Lord
Celebration of God’s kingship over all the earth is very relevant here before the Ark. In 1 Chronicles Ch.13 v 6 we read – “the ark of God, which is called by the name of the Lord who sits enthroned above the cherubim”, – it is about his presence meeting with his people. Remember what I said about the temple applies here also; you cannot put God in a box. As much as I enjoy the Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark film, I certainly wouldn’t take my theology from it! Many, many years ago at the Anglia Bible Week I heard Ern Baxter speak on the Ark of the Covenant and its symbology.
God enthroned in the heavens looks down from above the cherubim on the top of the ark and sees the contents of it, the law on the stone tablets.
As we know Paul says in Romans Ch.8 v 3 – For God has done what the law weakened by flesh could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us,
So when looking upon the Ark, the altar – the mercy seat comes between the cherubim at the top and the law below. God looking down upon the ark sees the blood of the sacrifice through to the stone tablets below. Likewise when we come into God’s presence, he sees the blood of Jesus upon each one of us who have accepted Jesus’ sacrifice as our Lord and Saviour. The price that a Holy God requires for our sin is paid in full by Jesus blood. This is the offering we bring when in v 29 it says “Worship the Lord in the splendour of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth;” We worship because of God’s great love for us and we are thankful for being saved from a Holy God’s punishment. “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!
Thank you Jesus for all you have done, we remember the cross and worship.
David Taylor