No condemnation!

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26th Sep, 2020 Day 270

Rom 8

As we saw yesterday- there’s a lot of different “laws” flying around here!
  1. The Law – the law of Moses, 10 commandments and all the other bits of ceremonial and moral legislation in the first 5 books of the Bible. All good, showing us God is holy and Sin is bad.
  2. The Law of sin and death – is the principle that our old sinful nature drives us to sin when we are tempted. That’s why the Old Testament Law doesn’t help anyone live victoriously. We just can’t do it. Only Jesus could and he fulfilled it.
  3. Law of the Spirit of life is the fact that the Spirit has set us free from the demands of the law, described as the  overbearing husband in Romans 7 and brought us into freedom and no condemnation.
If you are feeling condemned, that has no hope and is not from God. There is no condemnation for the believer, you have been forgiven, justified, declared righteous.
The Spirit walks with us, in us and shows us the right path to take and will nudge us when we go wrong. Confess your sin and carry on enjoying the favour of God and His grace.
The Spirit means that we are no longer slaves to sin and don’t have to live in fear v15. We are adopted as sons – chosen to be in the family of God.  The Holy Spirit witnesses to our spirits that is true. What that means is a wonderful intimacy with God the Father – such that like Jesus, we can call him “Abba”. that is an Aramaic word like papa, but one that could be used at any age or stage of life.
The Spirit means that we are helped in our weaknesses v26 – when we don’t know what to pray he intercedes for us.
The Spirit searches our hearts and makes sure that things will work out for the good v28.
The Spirit is involved in the unbreakable chain of v29-31
  • God forekenew who he would call
  • Therefore we were predestined to become Christians and become like Jesus
  • Therefore we were called out – and responded to the Gospel
  • Therefore were justified – declared not guilty and righteous
  • And therefore we were glorified – that which will happen at the end of time is definite as it is written of as already happened!
So the heady mountain top of Romans 8 contnues with the fact that nothing can separate us from the love of God, because not only is the Spirit interceding for us v27, so is Jesus v34. Therefore nothing ca separate us from the love of God!
You are more than a conqueror
Romans 8:31-39
No one can bring a charge against you
No one can condemn you
No one can separate you from the love of God
No tribulation, no distress, no persecution, no famine, no nakedness, no danger, no sword.
Nothing. No angel, no ruler (demons or earthly rulers), your past, your present, your future, your situation. Nothing can separate us from the love of God!
Repeat after me I am more than a conqueror!


Andy planted the Gateway Church in Sept 2007. He and Janet love to gather different nations together to grow in Christ while eating good food! He also helps to shape and serve a couple of Relational Mission's church plants in mainland Europe. Andy and Janet run regularly, largely to offset the hospitality eating! He also runs a popular WordPress plugin Church Admin