February 10th
Today’s reading is from Mark 12:18-27
Day 24
As a church we are each praying for the one over the next 30 days - the one we would love to profess faith in Christ.
Read the verse below and pray for your one...
Prayer for today
God, there is so much in this world that wars against people coming to faith in You and giving their lives to follow You as a disciple. There is perhaps no greater obstacle than possessions and money. I know You have said it is difficult for the rich to enter Your kingdom. Though ___________ may not consider himself/herself rich in this life, I know it is possible for possessions, or the pursuit of those possessions, to cause a person to reject You. Show ___________ the futility of pursuing things of this world that can be destroyed in a moment, and cause them to consider the reality of eternity. As they do, show that You are a greater treasure than anything this life could provide.