

3 blessings for 3 curses

Play sermon

6th Sep, 2021

The gospel is full of blessings – it wipes out 3 curses that sin brings

But your promised…

Play sermon

29th Aug, 2021

David’s message is on Handling delays in our lives from the life of the Old Testament hero Abraham

How to juggle life

Play sermon

9th Aug, 2021

Amie Lymer’s challenging message is on achieving life balance with the principle of Sabbath

Help I am shattered!

Play sermon

18th Jul, 2021

When Elijah was tired and weary after an intense season, how did the Lord restore him? And what do we need to do when we are shattered?

When you really need a breakthrough

Play sermon

11th Jul, 2021

What to do you when you have hit a brick wall and need a breakthrough

Money, money, money

Play sermon

4th Jul, 2021

For the last message in our Proverbs – wisdom that works series David covers the topic of wisdom with money

Life and death

Play sermon

27th Jun, 2021

The wisdom of Proverbs is a life and death matter

Your friends are your future you

Play sermon

20th Jun, 2021

Having and being a great friend makes all the difference


Play sermon

13th Jun, 2021

Mike explores emotions and wisdom