
We love praying! Christianity is a relationship with Jesus and so prayer is a vital part of that. When we pray together, we expect to meet with God, hear from Him and ask Him to move his hand. We don’t do boring prayer meetings! We have lots of different opportunities to pray within the church as we aim to be a praying church and not just a church with a prayer meeting.

Firstly please use our church app – we send out prayer requests regularly on that – or you can receive them by email too, just get in touch and we will add you to the prayer chain.

We pray together on the first Wednesday evening of the month 7:30pm at 99c High Street and every Sunday morning between 10am and 10:30am.

This calendar PDF

Calendar for the next 36 days
(Categories: PrayerFacilities: )
6th Mar, 2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Family Prayer Meeting
A gathering of passionate worship and prayer night with church family.
Location: 99c High Street
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